Home > TEC Controllers > OptLasers > TEC-8A-24V-PID-HC
120W Output Power TEC Controller Board; Simple to Operate Controller Provides High-Stability Temperature Control
$249.00 sku / item#: TEC-8A-24V-PID-HC ships: In-Stock (USA)
Key Features
- Output to Peltier/TEC (max): 8 Amps, 24 Volts
- Temperature Stabilization Accuracy: ±0.2 °C
- TEC controller output voltage range: 5 VDC - 24 VDC
- On-board TEC control parameter settings
- RS232 interface is available for this model for an additional $95.00; please contact us for a quote / information for the optional RS232.
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Product Overview:
Affordable TEC Controller Board
This small footprint OEM TEC controller is designed to work with NTC/Thermistor type temperature sensors. The TEC-8A-24V-PID-HC has a small footprint and has holes for mounting to a chassis or a lab table. Its small size and versatility make it widely used in many applications.
The TEC-8A-24V-PID-HC offers on-board TEC control parameter settings. An RS232 interface is available for an additional $95.00. Please contact us for a quote or for availability information. .
The controller operates in heating- and cooling-mode using Pulse Width Modulation output through an H-bridge architecture. It also has an open collector output which provides an output control signal for other devices. On-Board LED's show heating and cooling status.
120 Watts of TEC Output Power
These TEC controllers with up to 120 Watts of cooling and heating power are specifically designed for laser diodes.
It is designed to work with 12V Peltier modules, but works well with all Peltier modules with supply voltage ratings in the range of 7.5 V to 15 V.
Built-In TEC Controller Safety Features Protect Your Laser System
The system detects a lack of connection with a thermistor and then switches WARNING LED on. As long as the thermistor connection is lost, the driver will not take any action and the open collector output is grounded.
If the temperature is higher than 45 °C but below 70 °C, WARNING LED starts to blink but the driver is working normally.
If the temperature is higher than 70 °C, WARNING LED is ON and the driver will not power the Peltier module. Also, the open collector output is grounded.
When measured temperature back to Tmin/Tmax range, the open connector output becomes disconnected and warning diode is OFF.
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