Home > Laser Diode Drivers > Wavelength Electronics > QCL2000
$3916.00 sku / item#: QCL2000 ships: Request a Quote for Current Ship Date
Key Features
- Current ranges up to 2 Amps
- Ultra-Low Noise: <0.4 μA RMS up to 100 kHz
- Intuitive touchscreen user interface
- USB, Ethernet interfaces with software
- Maximum safety features for your QCL
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All products purchased from Laser Lab Sourceare sold with a full one-year warranty. See terms & conditions for full details.The Laser Lab Source group websites include:- LaserDiodeSource.com
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MODEL | QCL2000 |
PRICE | $3916.00 |
Product Overview:
Ultra-Low Noise, Benchtop Quantum Cascade Laser Driver
These Quantum Cascade Laser Drivers from Wavelength Elecctronics are very low noise current sources. They enable lower detection thresholds in gas, liquid, and material sensing systems. This is the right instrument for lasers that require a high-precision and ultra-low noise current source to measure lowest concentrations. The 2 Amp QCL driver exhibits noise performance of 1.3 μA RMS to 100 kHz. The average current noise density is 4 nA / √Hz.
This instrument incorporates all of the essential control and monitor functions you expect in a Wavelength laser driver. It also features protection circuitry to safeguard your QCL from minor power source faults, over-temperature conditions, and electrical faults. Because of their unique construction, QCLs operate with high power in the near-IR through terahertz ranges. These wavelengths are particularly suited to detection of molecules relevant to humans.
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