Home > Laser Diode Controllers - (Driver + TEC) > OsTech > RLS/LDC-500X
Turn-Key 14 Amp Laser Diode Control Electronics and Mounting System for High Power Fiber Coupled Pumps
$3845.00 sku / item#: RLS/LDC-500X ships: 14 to 18 days
Key Features
- All-Inclusive Control Electronics and Mounting System with Pre-Configured Mounting Plate for Your Laser Diode (see options in table below)
- Current & TEC Controller + Cooled Mount + Cables
- Precision 14 Amp Current Source with 112 Watt TEC / Peltier Temperature Controller
- Standard Models Available for Lumics and Lumentum 2-Pin Laser Diodes and Many other Fiber Coupled Packages
- RS232 Interface with LabVIEW Drivers
- USB Control Available as an Option
Product Warranty
All products purchased from Laser Lab Sourceare sold with a full one-year warranty. See terms & conditions for full details.The Laser Lab Source group websites include:- LaserDiodeSource.com
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Product Overview:
Turn-Key 14 Amp Laser Diode Control Overview
This high power control solution is an all-inclusive system for controlling high power single emitter pump laser diodes. It is optimized for 808nm ~ 980nm multimode fiber coupled pumps from companies such as Lumentum, Lumics and II-VI laser enterprise. This system includes a precision current source, a full PID temperature controller, an actively cooled heat sink, and all required cables.
The current source offers industry leading protection for your laser diode. The heat sink and TEC cooled mounting plate offer a high performance pre-configured mounting solution. The LDC-500X is an affordable, high performance solution for safely powering your laser and running at a stable temperature in laboratory environments. Standard mounting hole footprint patterns are available for many different module types. Refer to the specification table for common package type configurations. Or send us the data sheet for your laser and we will customize the mounting hole pattern on request.
Laser Diode Protection Features
These units offer the highest level laser diode protection available to ensure that your device under test is protected at all times. Soft-start current, current and temperature limits, and a fast shut-down sequence keep your device protected at all times. Additionally, transient filters and AC line filters protect the laser against brown-out or black-out power conditions. The precision TEC controller offers a full P.I.D. control loop for fast and efficient thermal stabilization.
A back-panel safety interlock connector ensures that the laser diode current is not switched on until the user has determined it is safe to do so.
Temperature Controller Features:
The full PID loop provides millidegree temperature stability, and can quickly stabilize high heat loads to the temperature set-point to reduce the risk of damage to your laser.
User adjustable upper and lower temperature limits can be programmed to protect the laser diode and the Peltier device. Additionally, TEC output current limits are user-configured to protect the Peltier device from over-drive damage.
Flexible Modulation, Internal Function Generator & QCW Pulse Modes:
In addition to CW (continuous wave) mode of operation, the 500X system includes flexible modulation capabilities and a slow pulse (QCW) mode. The rear panel of the controller has a BNC input for an analog or TTL digital modulation input with a 10K input impedance. The controller has an internal function generator which can be used to set the modulation signal or the quasi-CW pulses with a time base accuracy of 1.0%. In QCW mode, the user can also set the 20μs to CW pulses from a remote TTL signal source.
Front Panel and Remote User Interface:
Controller setup is fast and intuitive via the front panel LCD display and alphanumeric interface, with a simple to use menu structure and key pad.
These systems come with standard an RS-232 interface. The included LabView driver GUI makes set-up and control of the system fast and simple. The controller can be ordered with a USB interface; contact us for more information.
OsTech Laser Diode Controllers:
OsTech, based in Berlin Germany, has been developing and manufacturing high stability electronic control products for laser diodes since 1998. They specialize in affordable controllers for both low and high power devices. In addition to laboratory benchtop units, they offer multiple OEM models of their products for industrial applications.
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