Home > Laser Diode Controllers - (Driver + TEC) > OsTech > LDC-600X
$3695.00 sku / item#: LDC-600X ships: 14 to 18 days
Key Features
- Customer supplied laser diode installed and tested in control system; product ships with laser diode installed into Pelter cooled heat sink
- All-Inclusive: Laser diode driver + TEC controller + Peltier cooled heat sink + cables
- RS232 and USB Interfaces with LabVIEW drivers and control software
Product Warranty
All products purchased from Laser Lab Sourceare sold with a full one-year warranty. See terms & conditions for full details.The Laser Lab Source group websites include:- LaserDiodeSource.com
- LaserLabSource.com
- LaserDiodeControl.com
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MODEL | LDC-600X |
PRICE | $3695.00 |
Product Overview:
4 Amp Current Source, 56 Watt TEC Controller, and Laser Diode Mount Overview
This all-inclusive control electronics and mounting system is optimized for laser diodes in the 750 mW to 3 Watt range. This system offers a convenient, affordable solution for laboratory R&D applications.
The LDC-600X offers precise control of the 4 amp bias drive current to the laser in CW mode, and includes Quasi-CW mode functions. The current can be modulated by a digital or analog input signal, and the controller includes an on-board pulse generator for QCW pulses. These control systems are also available to ship pre-configured and pre-tested with your laser diode module. Contact us for more details.
Laser Diode Protection Features
These units offer the highest level laser diode protection available to ensure that your device under test is protected at all times. Soft-start current, current and temperature limits, and a fast shut-down sequence keep your device protected at all times. Additionally, transient filters and AC line filters protect the laser against brown-out or black-out power conditions. The precision TEC controller offers a full P.I.D. control loop for fast and efficient thermal stabilization.
A back-panel safety interlock connector ensures that the laser diode current is not switched on until the user has determined it is safe to do so.
TEC Cooled Heat Sink and Mounting Plate
The LDC-600X controller unit has an integrated TEC controller to drive the Peltier element embedded below the mounting plate. The Peltier cooler works with the heat sink fan to to provide fast heat removal and stable temperature control. The anodized aluminum mount surface is machined with high surface flatness and finish to ensure the best thermal performance. The mounting plate ships with a graphite thermal pad the maximize heat dissipation and remove the potential for any air gaps between the laser diode package and the mount surface.
Mounting plates are available for free space and fiber coupled lasers. Standard mounting hole footprint patterns are available for most fiber coupled package styles. Custom mounting hole patterns are available on request. Email us your laser's data sheet and we will send you a quote with the correct mounting plate option part number.
User Control through Front Panel, RS232 or USB
The user has complete control by using the intuitive front panel LCD display and key pad through a simple menu structure. These systems also come with a standard RS-232 and an optional USB interface, and Labview drivers are included.
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